February 27th, 2014
We’ve made it through the relentless mounds of snow, and now the show must go on. Our clients, builders, and faithful office canine are ready for warmer days ahead. Here’s a look at what’s new at our office as we look forward to putting “Old Man Winter” in our rear view mirror.
Loft Upon Cork, located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, has been published in the book Eco-Library Design by John A. Flannery and Karen M. Smith.
Amid the harsh weather, the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum construction is underway. Be sure to visit their site SVDM and follow the progress as they prepare for the big move. General contractor Howard Shockey & Sons has been hard at work, making this unique children’s museum a reality.

Presidents’ Day, 2014

Check out the view from the Sky Level! Construction photo by Reader & Swartz Architects, P.C.
Area 51 We could tell you what’s going on there, but then we’d have to kill you. No, not really. This project is not located in Roswell, New Mexico, but in Shenandoah County, Virginia. We don’t really know how this project got its name, or how the contractors have been able to work through this winter, but sometimes it’s just good not to ask questions. If you think you can handle it, click here to see the progress being made, but remember, we warned you…

Construction by Lodge Construction
A new timber frame and tower house is going up in Boyce, Virginia!
We worked with a very talented team of consultants, and a visionary client, to develop the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley Master Plan. Be sure to visit the MSV website for news and updates.
The Samuel Noakes House was given the only award in the restoration category of the 2013 Custom Home Magazine Design Awards program. Chuck and Beth traveled to San Francisco to accept an award for this project from Custom Home Magazine. They also attended the annual Reinvention symposium (where they learned stuff).
Custom Home Magazine Fall 2013 Design Awards Edition – www.customhomeonline.com
Construction by houseworks LLC
This photo of Chuck & Beth’s house was taken from the top floor of the old Winchester hospital. Cool shot, Rick!
Photo by Rick Foster
He wouldn’t leave us alone, so we decided to hire him. Our last hire, Charley (our office canine) passed her training with flying colors, so we thought we might try our luck again, this time with a human…
You can find him sitting next to Kevin, in the “Fort Awesome” area of the office.
Welcome, Jeff! (Yes, he’s also a Virginia Tech grad!)

After years of being in the adjacent building, our neighbor and friend, Elvis, is moving onto bigger and better things. His alleyway yard sales will be missed.
Dear Reader,
If you made it this far, we would like to thank you for reading, by far, our longest newsletter to date.