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Newsletter 26


April 10th, 2017

This year’s Jury of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) elevated 178 AIA members to its prestigious College of Fellows, an honor awarded to members whom have made significant contributions to the profession. We are very pleased to announce that Chuck was elevated this year for “producing distinguished bodies of work though design excellence”. Chuck and Beth (now both Fellows) attended the 2017 Virginia Fellows Fete in Blacksburg, and will attend an Investiture Ceremony at the AIA Conference on Architecture 2017 in Orlando, Florida, where Chuck will receive his Fellows medal.
For additional information provided by AIA Northern Virginia via their newsletter, click here

a) promises to wear his Fellows medal to all new client meetings.
b) will most likely pair his medal with a corresponding funky sport coat.
c) will tell everyone he’s a fellow married to a fellow.
d) will be indefinitely rendered speechless. (Yeah, right!)

Virgina’s Fellows Fete at the Moss Cultural Arts Center in Blacksburg, VA – Photo by Marcia Smith

A New Book Features Three of Our Projects

Structure + Design; Signature Work by Leading Architects and Interior Designers, is a publication by Panache Partners, LLC that features the work of architects throughout the United States. Our projects CamusroryArea 51, and Red Gate can be found on pages 101-107. Click here to view these three projects in the digital publication.

Projects [Camusrory, Area 51, Red Gate] Pages 100-107

On the Boards

Here’s a sneak peak at what’s currently on the boards (i.e. digital 3D models) in the office.

    New House in the Virginia Country Side that evokes the client’s English roots

West Virginia mountainside that is an assemblage of sculptural forms

Existing ruin of a farm house, A tribute house in honor of the original farmhouse, and a new main house which is inspired by that very same original farm house

  Rendering of a new school, next to the historic, one room African American Schoolhouse in Ashburn.
(To be restored and reopened by the new school’s students)

AIA Committee On Design – Austin, Texas

Chuck and Beth flew to Austin for the 2017 Committee on Design (COD) Spring Conference. They toured dozens of buildings, and no, they didn’t have any free time to check out the music scene.

[Lower Left] Beth taking a picture of Chuck taking a picture
[Lower Right] Architects listening to the design architect talking about a public toilet

30th Wedding Anniversary – Pearl

The year of the pearl is upon us. Chuck and Beth have been married for 30 years. They went on a trip to Savannah to celebrate. Since they have been working together for 28 years, it probably counts as at least 56 years.

The fact that the only anniversary pictures in existence of our fearless leaders are individual images taken in a ruin, by the other, clearly signifies that they have not mastered the art of the selfie, or own a selfie-stick.

[Top -Chuck alone (photo by Beth) / Bottom – Beth alone (photo by Chuck)]

O’ Charley, Where art thou coat?

We have discovered that it dramatically helps our newsletter’s popularity to have the office dog somewhere in the newsletter. Unfortunately, Charley’s dreadlocks were to the point where she was recently shorn.

Her spring hairdo is here, now we need to work on that breath